Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Carolyn's 80th Birthday

My mom turned 80 this year and we had a big party to celebrate. Thanks to Malisa Twelves (see link to her blog on the left) for the great group shots at the Blue Bird Cafe in Logan, Utah, and some family portraits later in the day after certain cranky ones had napped.

My brothers, sister and I with Mom
(back row) Mike, Roger, David, Scott, Alan
(front row) Buffy, Mom, Me

The in-laws
Mike & Kaylene, Roger & Julie, Scott & Linda, David & Penny, Alan & Kathy
Bob & I, Buffy, and Mom

The Greats and Grands -- I don't think I'll try to tag them all. Sorry.

Carolyn and her posterity - 51 and growing

This is the best shot we got of Carter all day.

Two of my dad's brothers came, and a couple of their kids putting the
head count for lunch at about 70.


Kari said...

What a wonderful family picture! Your mom has a great posterity. Thank you for sharing!

The Mortensens said...

Love the Blue Bird Cafe. How great that you were able to celebrate this milestone birthday with your mom!